Address:Cocoa House, 22 Bell Lane, Bellbrook Industrial Estate, Uckfield,East Sussex,TN22 1QL
Email: [email protected]

Contact phone number: +44(0)844 32 44 499

HB Ingredients has become the largest independent chocolate distributors in the UK, selling and stocking wholesale chocolate and other chocolate supplies. Our temperature controlled warehouse enables us to carry an extensive range of wholesale chocolate products and other chocolate supplies, giving a fast and efficient service to our customers. HB Ingredients are also chocolate suppliers and chocolate wholesalers. We have a highly respected placing in the chocolate suppliers and chocolate wholesalers sector. As an independent chocolate distributor our chocolate comes from all the major chocolate producing countries of the world. And as highly credible chocolate suppliers and chocolate wholesalers HB Ingredients are proactive about supplying our wide range of customers with the latest products of high standard chocolate.